Why Study Abroad in Ecuador

There are several reasons why students should consider studying abroad in Ecuador! Below are just a few of those reasons.

  1. Cultural immersion - Ecuador is a country rich in cultural and historical traditions, making it a great destination for students who want to immerse themselves in different cultures and expand their global perspective.

  2. Natural beauty - Ecuador has a diverse landscape, from the Andes Mountains to the Amazon Rainforest, to the Galapagos Islands, providing students with endless opportunities for adventure, exploration, and outdoor activities.

  3. Language acquisition - Spanish is the official language of Ecuador, making it an ideal place for students who want to improve their Spanish skills. Immersing themselves in the language and culture will enable them to become more confident in their speaking abilities.

  4. Affordable living costs - Ecuador is a relatively affordable country when compared to other study-abroad destinations. Students can experience a high quality of life at a lower cost, including housing, transportation, and food.

  5. Academic programs - Living & Learning has great academic courses that provide experience-based learning opportunities to students in different fields, including social sciences, theology, social work, business, natural sciences, and more.

  6. Volunteer opportunities - Ecuador has several volunteer programs that provide students with opportunities to make a positive impact while gaining practical skills and experience in areas such as education, wildlife conservation, and community service. Living & Learning spends a week in the Amazon Jungle where we partner with a local school and help in a variety of capacities.

    Studying abroad in Ecuador can be a rewarding and life-changing experience for students, providing them with the chance to explore new cultures, languages, and opportunities while advancing their personal and professional development.

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