Student Testimonial - Summer Edition

Rebekah is a Vanguard University student who joined us in Summer 2023 in Quito, Ecuador. Below are some quotes from Rebekah sharing about her time abroad with Living & Learning International.

Why did you choose to this program?

When initially choosing a study abroad program, I planned to find a semester program. However, due to responsibilities I was required to study abroad during the summer. Of the summer abroad programs offered at my school, the Living and Learning Ecuador program caught my eye largely for the Summer Internship Track. I chose the Summer Internship Track due to the opportunities of implementing my teaching skills while also being immersed in a new culture. Because of my aspirations to become a teacher, I was especially interested in the Education Internship opportunity. This would allow me to practice teaching both in a multicultural setting and a different language. I was excited to be immersed in a new culture and sharpen my teaching skills. 

What was the most rewarding or challenging event or part of studying abroad?

The most rewarding part of studying abroad was cultivating new relationships. I had the opportunity to build connections with not only those in Ecuador, but those in other parts of the US as well. Through this relationship building, I learned the value of vulnerability and accepting help from others. Because I was not in my hometown, I was unfamiliar with the streets of Ecuador. This encouraged me to depend on others more. For example, because I did not have my own car, I was required to travel in taxis with other students. Doing so not only lessened the price of the taxi, but also cultivated precious memories. This helped me to realize that, while it is valuable to be independent, it is also valuable to be dependent on others as well. 

Who was one person who had an impact on you during your program and describe the interaction?

One person who had an impact on me during my program was my RC. From the first time I met my RC, we instantly connected over similarities such as being runners and English majors. Because I was one of the first few students to arrive in Ecuador, we were able to spend more one on one time together within the first few days. From this, I found her to be my go-to when I experienced any struggles. She never failed to provide a listening ear. Throughout the entirety of my trip she was extremely patient and understanding. I always felt supported by her in the times that I was struggling. Overall, I was extremely grateful to have my RC.

How has your worldview changed? Do you see the world in a new or different way after the program?

Prior to Ecuador, I was fully immersed in American culture. By this, I am referring to the fast-paced culture of California where busyness is highly praised. In Ecuador, I began to understand the importance of becoming more relationship oriented as opposed to completely task oriented. Now, I’m beginning to learn the balance of focusing on both relationships and tasks. This year, as opposed to completely filling up my schedule, I am learning to be satisfied with having gaps in my schedule. Both rest and time with the Lord will be prioritized. After Ecuador, my world view has shifted to focus more on relationships and the Lord's will. 


Want to spend your summer or semester here and not only do an internship in a field related to your studies but also get to make life-long memories and friends? Email us at to learn more!


Student Testimonial - Spring Edition


Student Experience - Summer Edition